Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Day of fog and ADBMS

January, a month where winter comes to its best. Days are being longer and nights shorter day by day. But I don't know why fog is getting denser and denser. I'm sitting in my room and perhaps tomorrow is exam of Advanced Database Management System where we study advanced and very modern techniques of storing data systematically that I've always found out of interest.
This is the my facebook cover picture today. I and my friends (from left) Praful, Dharmendar, I and Nawaz has always been enjoying the winter session of college, by clicking insane pictures. 
Well night is colder but 200 W bulb in my room is not letting me feel so. Today I've reddited to much and from reddit I got the idea of blogging.
Si I have just started. My each post gonna be irregular and random maybe, that is what universe teaches us,
sorry for that actually. But I'm enjoying it.

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