Saturday, 5 April 2014

Where the poor die

A rich died
A politician died
A musician died
A scientist died
and there was dull silence

but poor have died already

poor died at every ray
of sunlight is produced
poor died in the hay
livability is reduced

none matters if earth refuses
none taken if earth die

everything is money talking
everything is money doing
we're slaves of money then to our genes

because everything is planned
everything is cursed
from the iPhone to washing machine

we're not engineers of life any more
we're just copying and cheating

because communism die here
capitalism lives..

education is bad
life is worse
this is the place where bad people rule
this the place where selfish rule

as you stand and view the universe
this where a poor die
and a leader rises
enthusiasm rises
in the blood in the soul
in their hearts
to rise again and again
until humanity live

there was no hope
there was belief
it was religion
a religion to trust
a religion to believe in truth
and fight all the lies
it is the place where a poor die
and another stands for revenge 

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