Tuesday, 22 April 2014


I was there, right there.
sitting on the bench.
Clock was ticking.
Did not know what was going on
and what I was doing there.
But whatever it was, it was scary.
Then a call was made. Showing the half time was over.
For me it was completely over.
Everybody was staring at me.
I was in a mess.
Could not write what ever was in my mind.
Perhaps I should have prepared for the situation.
I know the past wasn't so good.
That has always annoyed everyone.
But where I get from there.
Past can never be changed unless you make a time machine and travel in past.
But making that was not my destination.
But where I get from here.
Does it make any sense that
whatever I was trying was completely mess,
a complete garbage.
May be I had not tried my best.
May be I did not focus.
May be I was not the one.
But that "may be" always confused me.
well the time was over.
And I was out Completely out.
Out of time, out of mind.
Where do I have to go?
Question is as dark as this universe.
Where you're only privileged to ask questions.
Because you may not like some answers.

may be answer is somewhere inside me......

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